Friday, November 16, 2012

Antonio 'El Bailarín' - Martinete (1952)

'Martinete' - Duende y misterio del Flamenco
Antonio Ruíz Soler - (Sevilla, 1921/ Madrid, 1996). Ballet and flamenco dancer -- "El Martinete" is the name of a Flamenco style of music which was converted into a dance routine by dancer and choreographer Antonio Ruiz Soler in the 1950's, known artistically as 'Antonio El Bailarín.' Antonio was a well respected celebrity in the world of dance whose career included performances all round the world and parts in many films, two of which were produced in Hollywood, and was a personal friend of Pablo Picasso, and partner to Rosario until 1952. Immediately after they separated, the dancer began to form his first company alone. Before its debut, he created a dance of martinetes for the film Duende y misterio del Flamenco.

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Martinete, or hammer, is a tool used to strike redhot metal. It is also a variety of la ton
á flamenco derived from Gypsy ballads and is considered the oldest flamenco. Martinetes and carceleras are varieties of tonás that differ in the themes of their lyrics and are characterized by the absence of guitar accompaniment. The martinete has great dramatic force. The interpretation of the dance is relatively new. Antonio Ruiz Soler first incorporated this palo into his repertoire in the late 1950s.

Fragmento de la Suite de Sonatas del Padre Soler Coreografía de Antonio Ruíz Soler (1952)

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