Saturday, November 24, 2012

Imprescindibles - Cristina Hoyos.

Un retrato de la bailaora Cristina Hoyos y de cómo encaró éxitos y fracasos. Una incursión en su vida cotidiana y en sus recuerdos que arranca con una determinación. Hay encuentros que marcan una vida. Encuentros que transforman a una persona en lo profesional y en lo sentimental. La primera vez que la bailaora Cristina Hoyos escuchó hablar de Antonio Gades no había cumplido 18 años, pero tomó una determinación que marcaría su futuro: conocer a Antonio Gades y formar parte de su Ballet. Fue la misma determinación con la que encaró su vida personal y artística. La misma que le ayudó, muchos años después, a afrontar una grave enfermedad: 'Salí de la operación moviendo el brazo porque tenía la seguridad de que no me podía morir, de que el baile para mí era vida y que nada me iba a alejar del baile'. A través del documental asistimos a su vida cotidiana en la sala de ensayos donde prepara la obra de García Lorca Poema del Cante Hondo en el Café de Chinitas y su estreno, en el Teatro Maestranza. Viajamos también al estreno, de la misma obra, en el Teatro Thália, en Budapest.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Roman Ruhu (Gypsy Soul)

Roman Ruhu (Gypsy Soul) from goongoo media on Vimeo.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Antonio 'El Bailarín' - Martinete (1952)

'Martinete' - Duende y misterio del Flamenco
Antonio Ruíz Soler - (Sevilla, 1921/ Madrid, 1996). Ballet and flamenco dancer -- "El Martinete" is the name of a Flamenco style of music which was converted into a dance routine by dancer and choreographer Antonio Ruiz Soler in the 1950's, known artistically as 'Antonio El Bailarín.' Antonio was a well respected celebrity in the world of dance whose career included performances all round the world and parts in many films, two of which were produced in Hollywood, and was a personal friend of Pablo Picasso, and partner to Rosario until 1952. Immediately after they separated, the dancer began to form his first company alone. Before its debut, he created a dance of martinetes for the film Duende y misterio del Flamenco.

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Martinete, or hammer, is a tool used to strike redhot metal. It is also a variety of la ton
á flamenco derived from Gypsy ballads and is considered the oldest flamenco. Martinetes and carceleras are varieties of tonás that differ in the themes of their lyrics and are characterized by the absence of guitar accompaniment. The martinete has great dramatic force. The interpretation of the dance is relatively new. Antonio Ruiz Soler first incorporated this palo into his repertoire in the late 1950s.

Fragmento de la Suite de Sonatas del Padre Soler Coreografía de Antonio Ruíz Soler (1952)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Award-winning Documentary -- Bajari: Gipsy Barcelona - Official Trailer

Documentary by Eva Vila Purti, 2012, Spain, 84'

Flamenco is one of the world's few art forms that is believed to be passed down exclusively through bloodlines. For Barcelona's Gypsy community, it cannot be learned at a school or on paper. It is lived within the home, created at the bar and perfected on the street corner. Bajari goes to all those places with the dancer Karime Amaya (pictured)-who is working with some of the most talented up-and-coming musicians and dancers to create an innovative show-and little 5-year old Juanito Manzano who takes his first steps to dance in it and earn his white flamenco boots. Their experiences form a journey of discovery of this living tradition and create an intimate portrait of how flamenco's legacy is kept alive within Barcelona's tight-knit Gypsy community. -- Trailer del documental producido por Lastor Media y dirigido por Eva Vila, que retrata la Barcelona Calé de hoy en día, a partir de la historia del niño aspirante a bailaor, Juanito Manzano, y el viaje de Karime Amaya, nieta de Carmen Amaya, a sus orígenes. Seleccionada en IDFA 2012, sección oficial Panorama.

Official Selection - IDFA 2012